Concrete Floor & Wall Systems

Dovetail sheets are cold-rolled metal steel sheets used for reinforcing thin lightweight concrete floors on wooden, steel, or other bearing constructions. Dovetail metal sheets are a reliable professional floor solution in new builds and renovations. Perfect for a residential renovation project. Replace wooden “high maintenance” floors with a Dovetail lightweight concrete floor system.

Dovetail metal deck sheeting
Dovetail sheeting has a unique S-shaped geometry as a result of which the highest possible load-bearing capacity of the floor is ensured by the composite action between the sheet and the fine-grade aggregate concrete.

The dimensionally stable profiling ensures an exact fit between the sheets. Leakage between the overlapping seams will not occur.
The dovetail sheet can be safely walked upon during the installation phase.

The dovetail concrete floor system
The dovetail floor consists of a dovetail sheet metal decking, finished with a thin layer of (lightweight) fine-grade aggregate concrete. After the sheets are assembled, fine-grade aggregate concrete (C20/25) is applied over the dovetailed sheeting.

During processing, the dovetailed sheets act as shuttering and transfer the weight of the concrete mix and the assembly load to the bearing construction. Once the cement hardens, it forms a constructional entirety with the dovetailed sheets. The cement can be given a level monolithic finish so that there is no need for an extra finishing floor. The finished dovetail floor is therefore very thin (= 36 mm).

Common applications for dovetail metal decking:

  • Separating floors
  • Acoustic floors
  • Fire-resistant floors
  • Structural floors
  • Bathroom and wet rooms (bathroom)
  • Elevated floors.

Properties of Dovetail floors:

  • High permissible load
  • Thin floor thickness (from 36 mm)
  • Easy to install
  • High impact and airborne sound insulation
  • Up to 90 minutes of fire resistance
  • Spans (center to center) of up to 2500 mm
  • Cost-saving and reliable

Call For a Quote:

| +597 860-8923 | +597 348-188 | +597 861-7549 |


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What is Dovetail?

Dovetail sheets are cold-rolled metal steel sheets used for reinforcing thin lightweight concrete floors on wooden, steel, or other bearing constructions. Dovetail metal sheets are a reliable professional floor solution in new builds and renovations. Perfect for residential renovation projects. Replace wooden “high maintenance” floors with a Dovetail lightweight concrete floor system.

Why a Dovetail floating floor?
  • Residents prefer to live along the river (tradition)
  • Flooding “compatible”
  • No existing drainage (gutters, sewers, canals) is present.
  • Cooler floors through ventilation under the floor
  • A concrete floor is better than a wooden floor: more durable/modern (lifetime)
Some of the benefits of houses with Dovetail flooring:

3. SHORT BUILDING TIME (30-40 days turnkey)
4. SIMPLE building system to be carried out by local professionals

Common applications for dovetail metal decking:

• Separating floors
• Acoustic floors
• Fire-resistant floors
• Structural floors
• Bathroom and wet-rooms (bathroom)
• Elevated floors.

Contact Us

Helena Christina # 519, Paramaribo, Suriname S.A

(+597) 348-188 / (+597) 861-7549 / (+597) 860-8923 / (+597) 861-7549